Timaflor supports various projects that benefit the environment, human and animal welfare.
Some examples:
Ngarendare Forest Trust
Ngarendare Forest covers 5.540 ha of indigenous forest on the northern slopes of Mt. Kenya, connecting the Mt. Kenya Forest to northern Kenya through Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. It is co-managed by the Kenya Forest Service the six surrounding communities, large-scale farms and wildlife conservancies who form the Ngare Ndare Trust.
NNFT mission is to ensure sustained conservation of Ngarendare forest and initiate development projects within the surrounding communities. Its objectives are to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, to maintain the wildlife corridor and water catchment between the Mt. Kenya National Park, the Forest and the conservancies to the North. To ensure community participation in the decision making process, to conserve wildlife and natural resources whilst improving livelihoods and human welfare.
Through support from various stake- holders, particularly Timaflor Ltd, the Trust has been successful in promoting forest conservation and community development. Timaflor Ltd supports the Trust through Ecosystems Services Payments (ESP), which contribute towards the core operating cost of the Trust.
The Trust promotes alternative ways of cooking using energy saving stoves and biogas digesters, support to schools, health facilities and tree nurseries.
Through our 1for1 tree planting program, farmers surrounding the forest are able to access commercial tree seedlings where they buy one and get one free from the Trust. To date over 2million seedlings have been planted, both commercial species on-farms and indigenous species within the forest.
Ngare Ndare Forest Trust has been recognized nationally as the pioneer of participatory forest management in Kenya and is regarded as the only indigenous forest with an expanding canopy cover in the country. It has also been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed in 2013 as an extension of the Mount Kenya World Heritage site as well as being awarded ‘Community Conservancy of the Year’ 2014 and 2015.
The achievements and national recognition of successful forest management have been made possible through the support given to the Trust notably by Timaflor Ltd, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Tusk Trust.